Birthday Cupcakes


Looking for a last minute gift? We’ve got you covered!

We’ve put together a simple selection of Birthday treats with a Happy Birthday topper to celebrate, available whenever you may need it.

You can add a gift message in the order notes box at the checkout and let us deliver direct to your recipient. Whether the occasion slipped your mind or you want to place a spontaneous order, we’re here to help! 


Our Cupcakes contain:

  • Eggs
  • Dairy
  • Wheat (Gluten)
  • Nuts (When Specified)

Please note: All MC treats are made in a kitchen that handles nuts, gluten, milk, eggs and other allergens.


Available island-wide, 6 days a week from £3.99 including NEXT DAY DELIVERY available on your order when placed before 9PM!*. Please note that we are working on providing international shipping for our overseas customers!

*Next day delivery is subject to availability and may be unavailable on some occasions including seasonal periods. 

*The image is for reference only and flavours may vary